Learning from the Past, Informing the Future
European University Institute
Fiesole, Italy
The brainchild of Mario Casalini, Rebecca Lenzini and Katina Strauch, the Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series was established on the basis of a shared idea and desire to foster and stimulate dialogue and collaboration within the scholarly communication sector. The Fiesole Retreat is an informal meeting of leading library and information industry participants devoted to thinking through and debating the new world order in collection development. The Fiesole Retreat offers a unique opportunity to interact with a select group of your colleagues in a relaxed and thoughtful setting.
Established in 1958, Casalini Libri is an international bibliographic agency and supplier of academic publications. Together with sister companies Erasmus Boekhandel and @Cult, Casalini Libri provides expert support to libraries and collaborates with publishers in areas such as collection development, cataloguing, and facilitating discovery and access to research publications in print and digital formats.
Against the Grain is a key to the latest news about libraries, publishers, book jobbers, and subscription agents. Its goal is to link publishers, vendors, and librarians by reporting on the issues, literature, and people that impact the world of books and journals.
The Charleston Advisor publishes critical reviews of online resources for libraries. To maintain a high level of accuracy and integrity, all reviews are peer-reviewed by experienced librarians. Its reviewers come from all areas of librarianship and from all types of libraries, ensuring that products are reviewed by people who actually use them.
For further information about the Retreat Series please write to retreat@fiesoleretreat.org or contact Michele Casalini, Leah Hinds, Rebecca Lenzini, Katina Strauch.
It Wasn’t Raining when Noah Built the Ark
Ann Okerson
Back Talk - A Streetcar in Athens
James O'Donnell
Fiesole Retreat 2022 - Mia anaskopisi enos endiaferontos triimerou
Fiesole Retreat 2022: Tradition Meets Innovation
Leah Hinds
The Fiesole Retreat 2022: The Role of the Library
Michael Upshall
Überraschend viele Bibliotheksthemen auf der Fiesole Retreat
Collaboration to Improve Scholarship
The relationship between Digital Humanities and academic libraries
Interview with Stephen Rhind-Tutt and 2018 Fiesole Retreat Recap
2018 Fiesole Collection Development Retreat
International Deadline : A View from Fiesole 2004
Antony Watkinson
The Fiesole Retreat 1999: Conference proceedings, Fiesole (Florence), March 11-13, 1999
Fiesole Retreat 1999 - Proceedings