Glasgow 2009
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland
Theme: Reshaping Library Content : Building e-Collections and Accessing Global Resources

For the past 10 years, the Fiesole Collection Development Retreat has been increasingly focused on the challenges of rapid digitization of scholarly materials, and how that process is changing the publishing profession and the services offered by libraries. Another major trend, also attributable to technological advances, has been the globalization of scholarly communication. This too has a profund impact on how we work together to share knowledge. In this eleventh retreat, we are taking a reflective look at how far we've come. The dominance of digital media and the power of complex electronic networks have changed forever the processes of recording, collecting, describing and preserving scholarly resources. The program will present a broad-based look at where we are and make some informed suggestions about where we should be going.
Thursday, July 23
Friday, July 24
Saturday, July 25
Digital Collection Building at the Local and European Level: Perspectives from Flanders and the Europeana Project
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.