What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Fiesole 2001
March 23-24, 2001

The European University Institute (EUI)

Badia Fiesolana, Florence

What is the likely shape of the library of the future? And how do we build collections for it?

An informal meeting of leading library and information industry participants

devoted to thinking through and debating the new world order in collection development


Wednesday, March 21

 Pensione Bencistà


16:00 - 18:00

Thursday, March 22

 University of Florence


Bus departs from Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci) for P.za S. Marco (Via della Dogana)
09:00 - 17:30
University of Florence Preconference: Scholarly Communication and Academic Presses (optional)
17:30 - 18:30
Cocktails at the University of Florence
Bus departs from P.za S. Marco (Via della Dogana) for Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci)
Buses depart from Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci) for Castello di Vincigliata
19:45 - 23:00
Dinner at Castello di Vincigliata
Hosted by: The Charleston Company, Against the Grain, Casalini Libri and Ingenta
  • Convener

    Hans Geleijnse
    Director of Information Services and Systems, European University Institute
    From the "Digital Library" to the "Personal Web Library"

Friday, March 23

 European University Institute (EUI)


07:30 - 08:30
Breakfast at Pensione Bencistà (residents only)
Buses depart from Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci) for San Domenico (EUI)
09:00 - 09:15
  • Dr. Patrick Masterson
    President, EUI
09:15 - 09:45
Opening Remarks
  • Antonia Ida Fontana
    Director, BNCF (National Library of Florence)
09:45 - 12:00
Session One: Libraries and Scholarly Communication: The Invisible Communities. New users, new producers, and new information brokers are using the Web to revolutionize how scientists are sharing information.
  • Convener

    Peter Boyce
    Senior Consultant, American Astronomical Society
    Session Introduction
  • Miriam Balaban
    Balaban Publishers
    Moving Beyond the Traditional Journal; the Importance of Lists, Databases, Project Reports, and the Ability to Find Local People with Experience and Expertise.
  • Dr. Rudolf Albrecht
    ESO-Space Telescope Coordinating Facility
    The Virtual Observatory
  • Peter Boyce
    Senior Consultant, American Astronomical Society
    Beam Me the Cure, Scotty: The Wired Generation in Clinical Medicine.
12:00 - 13:30
Buffet Lunch at EUI - Loggia
Sponsored by: Jones e-global library
13:30 - 17:30
Session Two: Consortia Enterprises, Alliances and Partnerships. Innovation and creation are the watchwords as we work together to fill emerging information needs while continuing to serve traditional roles.
  • Convener

    Tommaso Giordano
    Deputy Director, EUI
    Session Introduction
  • Maureen Pastine
    Director, Temple University Librarie; Lois Patton, Director, Temple University Press
    A Case Study in Partnering and Working Together
  • Liz Chapman
    Librarian, Taylor Institution, Oxford University
    L'enfer c'est les Autres: Consorting, Collecting and Co-operating in UK Academic Libraries
  • Maurice Long
    Consultant, British Medical Journal Publishing Group
    Creating Partnerships to Serve Members, Libraries and Ourselves
  • Michael Mabe
    Director of Academic Relations, Elsevier Science
    Scientific Communication: Future Perfect?
  • Jim Mouw
    Head of Acquisitions, University of Chicago
    The Future of Library Cooperation and Collection Building
  • Werner Reinhardt
    Director, Universitatsbibliothek Siegen
    Another View from Europe: Germany
Buses depart from San Domenico (EUI) for Casalini Libri (Largo L. Da Vinci)
18:00 - 19:30
Reception at Casalini Libri
20:00 - 23:00
Dinner at Pensione Bencistà for all participants

Saturday, March 24

 European University Institute (EUI)


07:30 - 08:30
Breakfast at Pensione Bencistà (residents only)
Buses depart from Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci) for San Domenico (EUI)
09:00 - 11:30
Session Three: Teaching Materials and Innovative Learning; Support to Teaching (Information Strategies)
  • Convener

    Mel Collier
    University of Northumbria, UK
    Introduction. Digital University Strategies in the UK — How Far Have We Got?
  • David Croom
    Nelson Croom Ltd. (UK)
    Digital Learning — From Book Publishing to Econtent
  • Rick Lugg
    R2 Consulting Services
    Stephen Pugh
    YBP (USA)
    E Content Acquisition and Profiling.
  • Steve O'Connor
    Caval Collaborative Solutions (Australia)
    Doing the Collaborative Thing: Searching for a New Support Paradigm
11:30 - 12:15
  • Michael Keller
    University Librarian and Publisher of University and HighWire Presses, Stanford University
    The New World Order Redux — Revisiting Remarks Made at Fiesole 1999
Buses depart from San Domenico (EUI) for Bencistà (Largo L. Da Vinci)
13:00 - 14:30
Bag Lunch (available at EUI or Bencistà)
Optional Events


Listed in order of programme schedule