What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Fiesole 1999
March 11-13, 1999

Pensione Bencistà

Fiesole, Florence

What is the likely shape of the library in 2005? And how do we build collections for it?

An informal meeting of leading library and information industry participants

devoted to thinking through and debating the new world order in collection development


Thursday, March 11

 Pensione Bencistà

All times are in Eastern European Time (UTC+2)


17:00 - 18:00
Opening Reception
18:00 - 18:30
Dinner, Welcome and Opening Keynote
  • Michael Keller
    University Librarian, Director of Academic Information and Publisher, Highwire Press, Stanford University
    Framing the Retreat: Thoughts on the New World Order in Collection Development

Friday, March 12

 Pensione Bencistà

All times are in Eastern European Time (UTC+2)


07:00 - 08:30
08:30 - 10:00
Session 1: User Needs and Expectations
Serving Users vs. Self Service: Who are our users and how are we serving them now? What are they looking for? How are we changing our definitions and practices?
  • Convener

    Gerald Curtis
    Springer Verlag New York
  • Marilyn Mason
    Director, Cleveland Public Library
  • Liz Chapman
    Librarian, Taylor Inst., Univ. of Oxford
    Present, Past, and Future
  • Maureeen Pastine
    University Librarian, Temple Univ.
    What Is the Likely Shape of the Library in 2005? And How We Build Collections for It?
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Session 2: Changing Models in Scholarly Communications and Library Organizations
Which of our current experiments will succeed? What are the intentions of the changes we’re making? What are the long-range impacts to libraries and collection development?
  • Convener

    Karen Hunter
    Senior Vice President, Elsevier Science
  • Betty Bengtson
    Dir. of Univ. Libraries, Univ. of Washington and President-Elect, Assoc. of Research Libraries
  • Edwin Shelock
    Director, Turpion Ltd
    Two Functions of Publication
  • Charles Lowry
    Dean of Libraries, Univ. of Maryland College Park
    Changing Models of Scholarly Communications in Library Organizations: The Response of the University of Maryland Libraries
12:00 - 13:30
Tour of Casalini Headquarters
Light lunch hosted by Casalini Libri
13:45 - 15:15
Session 3: Managing Content: Archiving, Publishing, and Access
Is content still the king? Or is it now a prince? What other factors influence our ability to use and re-use content?
  • Convener

    Angie LeClercq
    Director, Daniel Library, The Citadel
  • Peter Boyce
    Chercheur Associé, Centre de Données Astronomique de Strasbourg and Senior Consultant for Electronic Publishing, American Astronomical Society
    Is Content Still King?
  • Bruce Strauch
    Professor of Law, The Citadel
    The Impact of Tasini v. The New York Times
  • Ward Shaw
    Chairman and CEO, CARL Corporation
13:45 - 15:15
Session 4: Aggregation: Here Today? Still Here Tomorrow?
Aggregators are a major player at present in the electronic world but some publishers choose to make their content available only through their own websites. What are the advantages and disadvantages of aggregation for both libraries and publishers? Is there a long-term future for aggregators?
  • Convener

    Dan Tonkery
    President, Information Quest
  • Suzanne Wilson-Higgins
    Marketing Director, Blackwell’s Information Services
  • Sir Charles Chadwyck Healey
    Chairman, Chadwyck-Healey Ltd
  • Bob Neville
    Ass’t Director, College of Charleston Library
    Aggregation or Aggravation?
15:15 - 15:30
17:00 - 18:30
Cocktails Available at Pensione Bencistà
18:30 - 22:00
Hosted by Casalini Libri (transportation provided)

Saturday, March 13

 Pensione Bencistà

All times are in Eastern European Time (UTC+2)


07:00 - 08:30
08:30 - 10:30
Session 5: Creating and Exploring Possible Scenarios
A sample contrarian scenario: The library devolves into being the bill payer; users make their own choices, primarily using the network. Payments are made on demand, not in advance.
Session leaders will offer their own views of the future. Then together, retreat participants will create possible scenarios. Radical thinking is encouraged!
  • Convener

    John Secor
    CEO, YBP Library Services, Inc.
    Tony Ferguson
    Head of Collection Development, Columbia University
    Katina Strauch
    Head Collection Development, College of Charleston and Editor, Against the Grain
    Adrian Alexander
    Executive Director, Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium
    Sarah Michalak
    Director, Marriott Library, Univ. of Utah
    Annamaria Tammaro
    Coordinatore Centrale,Università di Firenze
  • Tony Ferguson
    Head of Collection Development, Columbia University
    Be Careful What You Wish for: Three Alternative Collection Development Visions for Academic Libraries
  • Katina Strauch
    Head Collection Development, College of Charleston and Editor, Against the Grain
  • Adrian Alexander
    Executive Director, Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium
  • Sarah Michalak
    Director, Marriott Library, Univ. of Utah
  • Annamaria Tammaro
    Coordinatore Centrale,Università di Firenze
    A Strategic Infrastructure for Italian Digital Libraries: The DAFNE Project
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:00
Wrap-Up, Summaries, Conclusions
  • Convener

    Rebecca Lenzini
    Executive Consultant, CARL Corporation and Publisher, The Charleston Advisor
  • Michael Keller
    Retreat Keynote
    Linda Crismond
    Editor, The Charleston Report
  • Katina Strauch
    Head Collection Development, College of Charleston and Editor, Against the Grain
    Adrian Alexander
    Executive Director, Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium
12:00 - 12:30
Optional Wine Tour and Picnic
Lunch available at the Pensione Bencistà for those not attending


Listed in order of programme schedule