What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Amsterdam 2002
July 18-20, 2002

The Grand Amsterdam Hotel,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Theme: User Behavior and Its Impact on Libraries and Publishers

An informal meeting of leading library and information industry participants

devoted to thinking through and debating the new world order in collection development


Thursday, July 18

 The Grand Amsterdam Hotel,Amsterdam, The Netherlands


12:30 - 16:00
Registration/The Grand Hotel
Meet in Lobby of The Grand Hotel for walk to the Rjiksmuseum Library
Afternoon Tour of the Rijksmuseum Library (Courtesy of Erasmus)
Sightseeing Boat Trip to West Indisch Huis (West Indisch House)
Reception to historic West Indisch Huis (West Indisch House)
Dinner in the Historic West Indisch Huis (West Indisch House)
  • Derk Haank
    Senior Consultant, CEO, Elsevier Science

Friday, July 19

 The Grand Hotel, in the Duke Room


09:00 - 09:30
Opening Remarks
  • Convener

    Dr. Joost Kircz
    KRA-Publishing Research
09:30 - 12:30
Panel 1: User Behavior in Libraries
Break at 10:30
  • Convener

    John Tagler
    Elsevier Science, New York
    Reports of several new and significant studies which have been conducted of end user behavior
  • Michael Mabe
    Director of Academic Relations, Elsevier Science, Oxford
    Books Must Follow Sciences, and Not Sciences Books: Assumptions versus Reality for Authors, Readers and Journals
  • Peter Boyce
    Senior Consultant, American Astronomical Society
    What Do Astronomers Really Need?
  • Leigh Healy
    Vice President and Lead Analyst, Outsell, Inc
    Where Students and Faculty Really Go for Information: Results of Outsell/Digital Library Federation Study of Academic Information Users
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch at The Grand Hotel, in the King Room
14:00 - 17:30
Panel 2: The Marginalization of the Library
Break at 15:30
  • Convener

    Anthony Watkinson
    Publisher Consultant
    Describing ways in which end-users are overtaking traditional library and publisher roles, and new models emerging
  • Chuck Hamaker
    Associate University Librarians for Collections and Technical Services, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Threats To and Role Of the Academic Librarian in the Internet Environment
  • Lyndsay Rees-Jones
    Workplace & Solo Adviser, CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)
    Arlene Smith
    The Crisis of Confidence in the Corporate Library
  • Bas Savenije
    University Librarian, Utrecht University
    Will the Publisher Perish?
  • David R. Worlock
    Chairman, Electronic Publishing Services Ltd
    The User Driven Business Model: A World Turned Upside Down
17:30 - 19:00
Reception in the Admiralty Room of The Grand Hotel
20:00 - 23:00
Dinner Open

Saturday, July 20

 The Grand Hotel, in the Duke Room


09:00 - 09:30
Opening Remarks
  • Convener

    Carol Tenopir
    KRA-Publishing Research
09:30 - 12:00
Panel 3: Pricing Models for Libraries, End-users and Publishers
Break at 10:30
  • Convener

    John Cox
    Principal, John Cox Associates
    Three viewpoints on the impact of end-user control of information on pricing, funding and negotiation
  • John Cox
    Principal, John Cox Associates
    Developing Access and Pricing Models That Use Today's Technology: What Publishers Have Done So Far, and Where Their Efforts May Lead Us
  • Andrea Keyhani
    COO, Ingenta
    Intermediaries Still Have a Role in the Process of Acquisition, but It May Not Be the Traditional One: Subscription Agents, Aggregators and Others
  • Hazel Woodward
    University Librarian, Cranfield University; Director, Cranfield University Press
    Pricing Models to Meet Library Needs: What Libraries and Library Consortia Require to Serve the End-user Effectively
12:00 - 12:30
Closing Session
  • Convener

    Dan Tonkery
    Vice President, EBSCO
  • Deanna Marcum
    President, Council on Library and Information Resources
    Organizations at the Margins: Prospects and New Directions


For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.


Listed in order of programme schedule
