Leuven 2010
University Libraries of K. U. of Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
Theme: Re-Inventing Collections : Challenging Our Assumptions

The 12th Fiesole Retreat is devoted to examining changes that are affecting collections and how we approach collection development today. Session will address the Economics of Scholarly Publishing, Digital Publishing in the Humanities, International Projects and Prospectives, and New Metrics and Statistics Regarding Usage. And we'll ask the question: "What's NOT Keeping Us Awake Anymore?" This year's retreat continues many of he major themes that emerged from our 11th Retreat in Glasgow and will present a broad-based look at where we are while making informed suggestion about where we should be going.
Thursday, April 8
Friday, April 9
Saturday, April 10
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.