Fiesole 2008
The European University Institute (EUI)
Fiesole, Florence
Theme: The Quest for Information: Open or Closed, Democratic or Controlled. Perspectives from the Scholarly Community

Today's networked digital technology offers us seemingly endless possibilities for extending and enhancing the scholarly communications process. New distribution channels, new supply chain principles, and new economic models are causing publishers, librarians and other providers to rethink the old ways of connecting with information consumers. The expectations of our users and the tools they employ to do their work are evolving daily. This vitality in the user space requires that we costantly refresh the ways we inform, collaborate and interact with our scholarly colleagues.
The tenth annual Fiesole Retreat will look at these emerging models and provide a forum for discussion of what's new on the horizon. Together we will take a look into the future with some of our industry's visionary leaders.
Thursday, March 27
What impact have the emerging models and structural changes in the digital content supply chain had on users of the "network" as well as on those who supply content to them? What new opportunities exist for information discovery, acquisition and use? What are the challenges in organization and control? Who's delivering what and how? Where do you go for help? This workshop looks to address these questions and more in a lively, rapid fire run through of the multiple channels and distribution points that now exist "network-wide".
Friday, March 28
Users on the Network
Saturday, March 29
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.
For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.