What is the likely shape of the library of the Future?
And how do we build collections for it?

Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series

Hong Kong
Hong Kong 2007
April 12-14, 2007

University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, People's Republic of China

Theme: The Quest for Information: Open or Closed, Democratic or Controlled. Perspectives from the Scholarly Community

Addressing the following questions and issues:

  • The increasing predominance of the web as THE medium of global communication.
  • The marginalizing effects of English, whether in print publishing upon the cultures and scholarship of those individuals and countries for which English is not their first language.
  • The democratizing and counter-democratizing effects of the web and perhaps print publishing as well.
  • The effects of the Open Access movement and commercial publishing upon the entire world of ideas.
  • The effects of Google print and similar enterprises.

Specifically, considering the following:

  • The language of publishing. In the current highly politicized environment, does English enable global communication or is it seen as a tool of cultural imperialism?
  • National attempts to control the information resources found on the Web: US, China, France, other?
  • Needs for non-English publishing.
  • The many faces of Open Access: a non commercial alternative for scholarly communication; an alternative publishing business model; enabling search engine crawling; OA and copyright; national efforts to use OA as a means of promoting national instead of international publishing programs, OA in countries X, Y and Z, OA and the institutional repository movement, OA and journals, OA and books, etc.
  • The ramification of Google Print: remote storage of lesser used materials that are now one click away; the reprint business and Google Print; will deposit accounts with Google Print to go beyond snippets of books be the CD program of tomorrow?; will there be 3rd party approval plan dealers to give libraries links to the old books via Google Print that match their local users' needs?; etc.
  • The vendor, publisher, librarian, and users perspectives of each of the above.


Thursday, April 12

 Library, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


12:45 - 17:15
Preconference (Optional)
Doing Business in China – A workshop and discussion
  • Karen Christensen
    CEO, Berkshire Publishing Group
    Matthias Wahls
    Business Development Manager, Brill

    NOTE: This session is also offered as a concurrent session to "The Academic Librarian : Dinosaur or Phoenix? Die or Fly in Library Change Managemen", organized by the University Library System of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, on April 11-12, 2007 (https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/conference/aldp2007/info/index.htm)

    Those not attending the full Academic Librarian: Dinosaur or Phoenix conference should assemble in the lobby of the Island Pacific Hotel at 12:45 p.m. to get together to take a taxi to the Chinese University conference site. This trip will take approximately 45 minutes to one hour. For four persons it is estimated it will be HK$100 per person (US$12.50). Following this session at approximately 5:15 p.m. those participants registered to take part in the Optional Floating Dinner at the Jumbo Kingdom Restaurant should share taxis back to the Hong Kong Island.

Meet in the lobby of the Island Pacific Hotel (for those taking part in the Optional Floating Dinner)
19:15 - 21:00
Floating Dinner (Optional)
We will board the water taxi to the restaurant at 7:15 and begin eating at 7:30 p.m. Costs for this optional dinner will be shared by those participating. Return taxi ride to hotels, estimated at HK$ 25 per person.

Friday, April 13

 Library, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

All session will be held in the Council Chamber, 8F Meng Wah Complex


  • Convener

    Tony Ferguson
    University of Hong Kong
    Welcome to the University of Hong Kong
  • Michele Casalini
    Managing Director, Casalini Libri
    History of the Fiesole Retreat Series
09:15 - 10:00
Opening Keynote
  • Lorcan Dempsey
    Vice President and Chief Strategist, OCLC
    Thinking about Collections
10:00 - 12:00
Language and Communication: Politics, the Dominance of English, and the Web
Break at 10:45 (Courtesy of Brill)
  • Convener

    Tony Ferguson
    University of Hong Kong
  • Colin Storey
    University Librarian, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    The Use of the Global Multi-Lingual Web in Mainland China: The Ebb and Flow of Government Control of Information
  • Colin Day
    Publisher, University of Hong Kong Press
    A Publisher's View of the Issue of Language of Publication
  • Derek Law
    University Librarian and Head, IRD, University of Strathclyde
    Walking the Tightrope: Maintaining a Balanced Collection Admist Changing Academic Needs, Information Seeking Habits, and Publishing Patterns
12:30 - 14:00
Luncheon at Joseph's Restaurant, P3 Graduate House, University of Hong Kong
(Courtesy of Sage Publications)
14:00 - 17:00
The Many Faces of Open Access: The Asian Perspective
Break at 15:30 (Courtesy of Serials Solutions)
  • Convener

    Anthony Watkinsons
    Senior Lecturer, University College London
    Opening Remarks
  • Mark Robertson
    President, Blackwell Publishing Asia
    Scholarly Publishing and Open Access in Asia
  • Corrie Marsh
    Associate University Librarian, Lee Shau Kee Library, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    Open Access in China: Potential and Strategies
  • Syun Tutiya
    Professor of Cognitive and Information Science and University Librarian, Chiba University
    Open Acces: A Perspective from Japan
17:00 - 17:45
Tour of HKU's Main Library
Meet at the ground floor lobby of the Main Library
Retreat Dinner at R66 Revolving Restaurant
(Co-sponsored by Cambridge Information Group, EBSCO and YBP)

Saturday, April 14

 Library, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

All session will be held in the Council Chamber, 8F Meng Wah Complex


Post Retreat Events (Optional)
1/2-day Tour of Hong Kong
Saturday afternoon
Participants will gather together following the morning session, where they will receive a box lunch. After lunch participants will go with a local librarian (one for each group of three) in taxis to the sites.
1/2-day Tour of Shenzhen, China (China Visa Required)
Saturday afternoon
Participants will gather together following the morning session and proceed directly to the coach station as a group, where they will receive a box lunch. Please meet at 12:30 in Council Chamber.
09:00 - 09:45
  • Convener

    Liz Chapman
    Deputy Director, Library Services, University College London
  • Carol Tenopir
    University of Tennesse
    Looking Ahead : Studies in the Workplace Help Us Plan for the Future
09:45 - 12:00
The Issue of the Commercial Sector: Google, Yahoo, Amazon – Issues, Opportunities, Ramifications
Break at 11:15 (Courtesy of Blackwell)
  • Convener

    Liz Chapman
    Deputy Director, Library Services, University College London
  • Matthias Wahls
    Business Development Manager, Brill
    e-Publishing @ Brill: Does Google Really Change Our Business?
  • Martha Whittaker
    Director of Marketing, Serials Solutions
    Responses to Google: What Do Librarians Want? Results of a Serial Solutions Costumer Survey
  • Jay Henry
    Electronic Content Manager, Blackwell Book Services
    Echo: ebrary, eBooks and Blackwell
  • Michael Keller
    University Librarian, Director of Academic Information Resources, Stanford University; Publisher, Highwire Press; Publisher, Stanford University Press
    Ward Shaw
    Founder, CARL and UnCover and Independent Investor
    Two For the Road
12:00 - 12:30
Looking Toward the Future: Predictions and Caveats
  • Convener

    Tony Ferguson
    University Librarian, University of Hong Kong
    Conclusions, Issues and Predictions


For further information about the Retreat Series please contact Katina Strauch, Rebecca Lenzini or Michele Casalini.


Listed in order of programme schedule